Open Water Diver Course Quizzes 1 4 Answer Keypdf

Open Water Diver Course Quizzes 1 4 Answer Keypdf


Open Water Diver Course Quizzes 1 4 Answer Keypdf

The PADI Open Water Diver course consists of five adventure dives. An adventure dive is the first dive of a speciality course. With many PADI speciality courses to choose from, the Advanced Course will introduce you to the huge variety of different types of diving you can experience.

There are five chapters in the PADI Open Water Diver manual, with five Knowledge Reviews (one per chapter), four quizzes and one final exam. You will watch the PADI Open Water Diver video during your course, which works in conjunction with the PADI Open Water Diver manual. Everything in the PADI Open Water Diver course is about reinforcement – the video reinforces the knowledge you learn in the manual, which is reinforced by the Knowledge Reviews, which is reinforced by the quizzes, which is reinforced by the final exam. We like to spread the theory out so that your in-water work will then reinforce everything you learn in theory.

You need to be a 18+ to take this dive which is for a minimum of two consecutive nights to qualify for the night survival course. The night course gets two hours additional on the apnea training.

Without the proper training, you have no idea what to do if you get caught in a storm. This section of the course will teach you how to survive in a storm and how to assist others who need help.

You must get a minimum of 12 confirmed dives per TRS member to be admitted to the course. TRS will accept a personal letter of recommendation from your instructor/divemaster. Your instructor/divemaster can provide this letter on your behalf.

This dive is meant for the beginner and intermediate diver who would like to learn semicontinuous theory. It is the second dive of the advanced open water diver course. Wet neoprene suit is required during this dive.
